If your insurance costs exceed your budget, consulting an agent could be invaluable. They may identify discounts you qualify for such as lowering your deductible or using an app or plug-in device to track driving behavior.
Saving money through dropping coverage that is no longer necessary can also save money, for instance if your work from home no longer needs coverage, let your agent know and lower costs by cutting coverage that may no longer apply to you.
Pay in Full
Insurance premiums provide insurers with income to run their daily operations and settle policyholder claims. Most premiums go toward covering long-term operating costs while some is set aside as profit for future use.
Insurance providers usually allow you to make premium payments monthly, quarterly, or semi-annually; however, paying annually tends to be the least costly option since more frequent payment modes cost insurance providers more to process compared with an annual option.
Setting aside money each year for your annual premium may require discipline, but it can be one of the best ways to cut insurance costs. Consider eliminating unnecessary coverages like collision and comprehensive to bring down rates even further. A strong credit score could also get you cheaper auto and home policies.
Change Your Policy
When it comes to car insurance, one way of saving money may be eliminating coverage you no longer require. If you only own one vehicle or no longer drive frequently enough for roadside assistance to make sense for you, removing it could save money; just be sure to review any new policy carefully to make sure nothing essential or desirable has been lost!
Switching providers could also be worth your while – providing that proper notice is given and premiums cover any cancellation fees charged, this may be an effective way of lowering costs. But before making any decisions based on this assumption it’s essential that research be conducted thoroughly on any prospective provider and ensure they are licensed and regulated before signing anything definitive.
Drive Safely
Driving safely not only benefits other road users but it can also save on your insurance costs. Many insurers offer incentives that reward safe driving that could lower premiums or even make your deductible disappear after a specified amount of time without an accident.
Maintain the speed limit, comply with traffic laws and leave plenty of space between yourself and the car in front of you. Expect other drivers to cut you off or run red lights, so be prepared to react in an appropriate way.
Progressive’s Snapshot and State Farm’s Drive Safe & Save data-tracking programs enable customers to save by participating in data-tracking programs like them; using smartphone apps or telematics devices they monitor your driving patterns like how often late night driving occurs and whether you tend to brake hard or accelerate quickly.
Get a Telematics Device
Telematics devices – more commonly referred to as usage-based insurance policies – have become an increasingly popular way for customers looking to save money on car insurance policies. These plug-in devices track driving habits and transmit this data directly to insurers for evaluation.
Telematics devices can measure acceleration, braking and turning behaviors to assess how risky a driver is on the road. Too much rapid acceleration or sudden braking could increase premiums substantially.
These devices are growing increasingly popular, as major auto insurers such as Geico Drivewise and Progressive Snapshot now offer them. Drivers should carefully consider any privacy considerations before giving a third party company access to track their movements.
Talk to Your Agent
Talking with your agent is an effective way to save money on insurance premiums and find coverage you need – such as dropping collision and comprehensive protection on older cars that don’t cost much money.
Communicating any changes to your policy with your agent, such as new jobs or family dynamics. A discount may be offered for paying annually or bundling auto and home policies together.
Text messaging may be an efficient and comfortable way to contact your agent. While they are likely busy attending to multiple clients at the same time, using text messages as a form of communication could ease tension between yourself and them.